CARES Schematron Rules - NEMSIS 3.5.0

CARES Schematron Rules - NEMSIS 3.5.0

With NEMSIS 3.5.0, CARES has introduced multiple schematron variants to aid in adoption of CARES in State and vendor systems.

All vendor and State systems wishing to submit CARES records should utilize the Required schematron at a minimum.

More details on the NEMSIS 3.5.0 elements CARES collects are available in the 3.5.0 XML Data Dictionary.

[FATAL] violations will trigger file rejection and are usually due to an incorrect format or value passed in an element.

Because the file would fail at database level in these cases, we reject them.

Recent changes for the below files can be found in the Change Log.

Required 3.5.0 Schematron:

🔴 This set of rules is ideal for State adoption and is the required baseline for vendor integration. This includes only Required elements in CARES, and all rules have context to be adopted by States and run alongside other incident types.

CARES 3.5.0 Required Schematron

Supplemental 3.5.0 Schematron:

warning This set of rules includes Supplemental elements in CARES, and additional messages to aid in the CARES audit process. These rules can be helpful when attempting to validate specific CARES custom elements for incidents that meet CARES criteria. It is not recommended to run this schematron against all incidents in vendor systems at this time.

CARES 3.5.0 Supplemental Schematron

✅ Combined Production 3.5.0 Schematron:

This set of rules runs against all incidents when received by CARES and includes both the Required and Supplemental rule sets and is available for reference. It is not recommended to run this schematron against all incidents in vendor systems at this time.

CARES 3.5.0 Combined

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