Data Sharing Policy

Data Sharing Policy:

CARES is a secure and confidential data management system that allows EMS agencies and hospitals to monitor their performance and compare themselves against state and national benchmarks. Local EMS agencies and hospitals have ownership of their own data. CARES is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of EMS agency and hospital data.

Researchers who want to analyze state-level or national-level aggregate data must submit a research proposal to the CARES data sharing committee. The committee evaluates the proposal for scientific merit and makes recommendations to the researcher. If the committee approves the proposal, CARES will provide the researcher with the de-identified dataset after the lead authors receive local IRB approval from their institutions. Any research reports or publications shall not separately identify participating EMS agencies or hospitals or their contributed data. The researcher must sign a data use agreement stating they will not share the dataset or expand the analysis beyond the scope of the proposal. Abstract or presentation proposals must be followed up with a submission within three months of the date that the dataset is provided. Papers must be submitted for review within nine months of the date that the dataset is provided.

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