b"CARES 2023 Annual ReportLocation of ArrestThe most common location for an OHCA is in a residential setting, with 71.4% of events occurring in a home. Other common arrest locations include nursing home (10.4%), public or commercial building (7.6%), street or highway (5.2%), and healthcare facility (3.0%) (Figure 6).The location of an OHCA is highly correlated with bystander intervention and patient outcome. Compared to residential arrests, incidents in a public setting are more likely to be witnessed by a bystander and receive bystander CPR prior to EMS arrival (Figure 7). Patient outcomes also vary significantly by location, with public arrests having an approximately 2.3-fold higher rate of survival to hospital discharge compared to residential arrests (19.8% vs 8.8%, respectively; p .0001).3% 1% 2%5%8%10%71%Home/Residence Nursing HomePublic/Commercial Building Street/HighwayHealthcare Facility Place of RecreationOtherFigure 6. Location of Arrest At Denver International Airport, Denver Health Paramedics (CO) are ready at a moment's notice.80% 76% 77%61%60% 55% 57%49% 52%45%40% 35%35% 38%33%26% 27% 27%17% 21% 21%20% 16%9%4%0%Residential Setting Nursing Home Healthcare Facility Public/ Place of Recreation Transport Center Street/HighwayCommercial BuildingArrest LocationBystander Witnessed Bystander CPR Discharged AliveFigure 7. Percentage of events that are bystander witnessed, receive bystander CPR, and survive to hospital discharge by arrest location.32 33"