b'Table 1. Comparison of characteristics between cohorts with and without a positive association between FR CPR and survival with favorable neurologic status; only significant results with a p-value0.05 are displayed.Table 2. Comparison of characteristics between cohorts with and without a positive association between FR AED and survival with favorable neurologic status.; only significant results with a p-value0.05 are displayed.Questions remain and further, more granular analyses are warranted. In particular, future study may benefit from geospatial mapping of EMS and FR coverage areas to evaluate whether FRs are indeed filling EMS coverage gaps in agencies with no association between FR interventions and outcomes. We hope that the findings from this study will assist agencies in optimizing their use of FRs, possibly prompting EMS agencies to evaluate whether areas with high FR utilization indicate a need for improved ambulance coverage. Citation\x1f Huebinger R, Spring M, McNally B, Humphries A, Persse D, Diggs D, Boerwinkle E, Bobrow B; CARES Surveillance Group. Agency FactorsAssociated with First Response Systems that Improve Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes. Resuscitation. 193:109954.Figure Permissions\x1f Figure and table used with permission of Elsevier from Huebinger, R. et al. Agency factors associated with first response systems that improveout-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes. Resuscitation. 193:109954 (2023). Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center Inc.29'