b'262021 CARES Annual Report Location of Arrest The most common place for an OHCA to occur is in a residential setting, with 73.7% of events occurring in a home. Other common arrest locations were nursing home (10.0%), public or commercial building (6.7%), street or highway (4.0%), and healthcare facility (3.2%) (Figure 6). The location of an OHCA is highly correlated with bystander intervention and patient outcome. In comparison to residential arrests, patients who arrested in a public setting were far more likely to have a bystander witnessed event and receive bystander CPR prior to EMS arrival (Figure 7). Patient outcomes were also significantly different across incident locations, with public arrests having a 2.6-fold rate of survival to hospital discharge compared to residential arrests (19.0% vs 7.8%, respectively; p .0001). Figure 6. Location of arrest.Figure 7. Percentage of events that are bystander witnessed, receive bystander CPR,and survive to hospital discharge by arrest location.'